All Cercetare Conferinte Cursuri Burse

Innovation Labs 2022

Dragi tineri cercetători,  Dacă aveți o idee de cercetare și vreți să o duceți spre piața, vă invitam să vă înscrieti la…

Invitatie – Conferinta Scolii Doctorale CSD2022 – Universitatea Tehnica ”Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi

Vă anunțăm că va avea loc la cea de-A V-a editie a Conferintei Internationale a Scolii Doctorale din IOSUD-Universitatea Tehnica…

PhD Programme “UNIPhD – Training the next-generation talents” at the University of Padua (Italy), Academic Year 2022/23 | Call deadline 8 March 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the University of Padua (Italy) has published the global call for applications "UNIPhD…

IBM PhD Fellowship application window for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 is open

IBM is pleased to announce the 2-year, worldwide IBM PhD Fellowship application window for academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 is…

Call for Papers Romanian Journal of Society and Politics

Volume 15, Number 2, due December 2021 The editors of the Romanian Journal of Society and Politics invite you to…

Call for Presentation for PhD Students

The Institute for the Protection of Minority Rights (IPMR) organises its annual autumn conference called ‘Minority Protection in the Carpathian-basin’…