Stimate Doamne,Stimați Domni,Va trimitem un apel pentru 10 burse postdoctorale in Irlanda, la South East Technological University, finanțate dintr-un proiect câștigat din programul TU RISE (Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise).Anunțul vizează potențialii candidați care au doctoratul susținut în urmă cu mai puțin de 5 ani.Bursele încep in 01.01.2025 și se desfășoară pe o perioada de 24 de luni, incluzand 12 luni de plasament in mediul non academic.Detalii, pe pagina proiectului:
To ensure research excellence, applicants should focus on forward thinking and harnessing pioneering ideas addressing the Green, Digital and Health agendas.Applicants should contact suitable SETU supervisors, profiles can be found here: Find profiles — South East Technological University ( the documents must be submitted in one pdf document and emailed to . The application deadline is 5pm on 31 July 2024.
Key DetailsThe application must be signed off by the SETU Supervisor and Industry Supervisor.The process and timeline are discussed in more detail in the Call Document.All applications must be sent to by 5pm on 31st July 2024.The email subject line should include the applicant’s name, followed by the scheme name TU RISE Postdoctoral Fellowship.Incomplete applications or applications not signed off by the supervisor/s will not be accepted.